May 192012

Dis (statistics unavailable, Cat-eye not operational)

Route: Southbound Hwy 101 (approx. 26 miles north of Santa Barbara, just south of the too narrow southbound bridge)> crossover #1 roadway >to northbound Hwy 101 (to past north end of bridge)> crossover #2 roadway> to southbound Hwy 101 north of bridge> denied permission to enter gate at private road Allegro ________> backtrack riding Hwy 101 shoulders against flow of traffic back to starting point.

Riders: Tom


Crossover #1, south of Hwy 101’s too narrow bridge, is approximately 26 miles north of Santa Barbara, CA.



Ready to cross from southbound to northbound shoulder.



Another shot of the same southbound to northbound crossover #1, just south of the bridge. There is a similar crossover road just north of the bridge, too.

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