May 022010

“Mmm! What is this?”

Tom’s Cookies

I carry them on bicycle rides.

All the ingredients

and the ingredients listed:
2 raw eggs
4 tablespoons currants
2 tablespoons dried cranberries
4 tablespoons raw cashew nuts, chopped
2 small apples, sliced into slivers & chunks
3 or 4 knives of peanut butter (dark roasted, creamy)
1 cup thick rolled oat flakes cooked in 1 1/2 cups water, to make oatmeal
olive oil and brush

Makes 16 cookies

Do this:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Combine in a bowl all the ingredients

Mix with fork and spoon, (real dry & sticky batter)
Brush baking tray or dish (I use four white porcelain lasagna boats)

Dollop dough blobs into boats

Bake in oven for 40 minutes at 350 degrees

Turn off oven, pull out rack to cool a bit

Spatula them into containers, and refrigerate

They are  a heavy, substantial food to take along on a ride.
They shatter, so I carry them in a small Tupperware
container slipped into my saddle bag or wind-vest pocket.

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