Day 2 — Santa Cruz to King City — 108 miles, whew!

 AidsLifeCycle 2010, All Catagories  Comments Off on Day 2 — Santa Cruz to King City — 108 miles, whew!
Jun 072010

Today’s ride was the longest of the week, 108 miles. I did it in nine hours. The trick this year was getting out at the opening of the starting gate, riding out at 6:30 a.m., a terrific idea as it turned out.

It was a very windy day. Great when it was coming from behind as a tail wind but very challenging when from the front or side. At one point when the winds were coming from the side a semi truck came by that sucked me first into the traffic lane then, immediately after passing, I was sucked off the roadway and onto the gravel shoulder. Luckily I was able to maintain my balance and not fall.

Day 2 Santa Cruz to King City
6:40am rode out. Into camp 2 at 3:45pm, Dis 106.0 mi, I accidentally erased my bicycle’s computer, Oat 9hr 5min
The 6:40am was my earliest ride out time to date. I rode out of Santa Cruz ahead of the commuter traffic. I left Dan burrowed in his sleeping bag. Had yet to see him in day light.
Saw Ginger Brewlay flanked by Deloitte cyclists at the artichoke stand.

Ginger Brewlay, flanked by Deloitte cyclists, at the artichoke stand

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and big farm cutouts towering over small cutups

Catching lettuce

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Wrote to my brothers on the altar cloth at Mission La Soledad.

Mission La Soledad



Skinny dipped under the green bridge, had a cookie from the Cookie Lady and the newly weds,

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timed the roller coaster hills (race down, coast up) the last 10 miles into King City (actually enjoyed them this year). Signed up to receive a massage. First daytime meeting with Dan (or was it the next morning?).