Day 3 — King City to Paso Robles – HOT!’

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Jun 082010

(218,2,’2010-06-08 19:00:07′,’2010-06-09 02:00:07′,’HOT Temperatures today.

After a cool morning go at “Quad Buster”, a sustained mile at 10% grade, we arrived at the tiny town of Bradley for a barbecue hamburger lunch at the elementary school with our purchased meals benefiting the school.

The next stop at Mission San Miguel showed years of earthquake retrofitting and other repairs are complete and all is now back to normal. Leaving the Mission brought a hot 90 degree ride down a very bumpy section of Highway 101 then along back roads that ended in camp at the Paso Robles Fairgrounds. Where the camping area last year was all lawn it’s now hardpan, apparently for water conservation. We are pitching our tents on hardpan!

Tonight was laundry night – At dinner my vegetarian friends asked me for my second helpings of chicken.

What a day!

Day 3 King City to Paso Robles
6:55am rode out. Into camp 3 at 1:45pm, Dis 61.7 mi, Av 13.9 mph, Tm 4hr 26min, Oat 6hr 45min
Quadbuster hill at mile 10.8 took some effort this year. I carried cash to buy the town of Bradley’s postcards, schoolchildren’s pins , hamburgers,
and Mission San Miguel’s postcards.

img 1590

Bradley CA fundraising BBQ


Chris Fava and Tom, at Bradley CA

Chris Fava & Tom, Bradley CA.

Answered the Mission San Miquel gift shop cashier’s questions about the AidsLifeCycle Ride. While buying postcards, I learned from a long time rider, Day 5 was originally Dress in Red Day, the red line of cyclists being a symbol of the AIDS Red Ribbon. It morphed, to RED DRESS DAY.

Recharging at the Paso Robles fairgrounds

Laundry time (5-gallon bucket style) at fairgrounds

Michael LeCorte, sporting tan lines, and friend at fairgrounds

Michael LeCorte and diner friend

Dan and Silvia at fairgrounds

Tom\’s tentmate Dan, and his friend Silvia